Marriage is bliss

16.1 Sofia Lopez
Summer 1997, Gonzales residence

It was Saturday. Sofia had slept long after another night of partying around, and went down for breakfast, humming a tune.
She was in a very good mood.
Until her mother jumped on her.
"Sofia!! Can you explain to me why I get another letter from school that you keep missing classes?!"

Sofia was still sleepy and didn't understand first.

"Your grades are already so terrible, that you'll drop out, if you skip more!"

Ah yes.
She had skipped a lot of school lately again. It was just more interesting to hang out with Paolo and his friends instead.
"Who cares!", she said. "It's so boring, and useless!"
She had already given up to find excuses for her mother. It didn't work anyway.

"Wha... how are you talking to me! You'll have to get a job soon, how do you want to get one without a high school degree?!"
Her mother was not amused.

"From Monday you'll never skip a class again, did you understand?!"
Rita was raging.

"I don't want to go to school, and I don't need a job! I want to get married, so I can move out from this terrible house!", Sofia snapped back.
She had enough of her mother always telling her what to do!

Rita looked confused for a second.

The same moment, the door shut and her stepfather came inside.
Alejandro was laughing.
"Who would marry a dumb girl like you?!", he said.
As usual he had stayed out the whole night, doing whatever.

And as usual, only his appearance alone made Sofia really angry.
"Just wait!", she gnarled. "My boyfriend will propose to me soon, you'll see!"

She turned around and went to the kitchen.
"You have a boyfriend?!", Rita asked, still confused.
Sofia must have forgotten to tell her. As if it was important to her mother, anyway.
And Alejandro still laughed.
"Yeah sure..", he called after her. "He'll just knock you up and you'll never see him again!"
Ohhhhh, how she hated them, both!


  1. Replies
    1. Well... Rita is worried about her daughter, of course.
      And Al... is just an ass :D

  2. I know you just said that Rita is worried about her daughter and I am sure that she is. However I think Rita is as guilty in this as Alejandro is but not for the same reasons.

    Alejandro is a total ass and he will not be winning any "father of the year" awards unless they judge by quantity instead of quality (the quality of his skills as a father to be exact)

    Sofia has been with Paolo for quite some time now and Rita is now just finding out and she looks like she is completely surprised by this news. Rita has no idea that her boyfriend is 10 years older than Sofia nor does she know her minor daughter has had sex with an adult. I do give Rita a pass that she has many younger children along with a grown up little boy (Alejandro) to take care of but she can't neglect the activities of the oldest child until its too late. I'm sure Rita wants Sofia to better herself but how long can she keep a blind eye. If Rita is going to have all these children, she needs to take care of all these children.

    1. Thank you again for your thoughts!

      Yes, Rita didn't know. Sofia is really hard to handle, as you might have seen already, but then even more she needs someone to care for her. And her mother only has so much time to lecture her, but never really time to listen. So she goes her own ways of what she thinks is right.
      You are absolutely right, one should only have as many children as they are able to really care for.

  3. Whoa; Alejandro, wat?
    Dis family, omggggg O.o

    1. Yeah, family systemic therapy c:
      Though don't even try with Al. He's beyond salvation!

  4. "He'll just knock you up and you'll never see him again!" Girl is that an omen of what's to come? (pls don't pass down Paolo's chin, it's deadly)

    1. lol, it is? :D
      I admit I haven't seen it yet passed down.

  5. OMG...that is the messiest family ever...Rita is clueless and Al doesn’t give a crap.

  6. I feel bad for Rita. I feel like she might be a good mom, but she has a lot of kids and Alejandro for a second husband. Sophia is stupid in my opinion for wanting to get married, skipping school, etc. but it's very typical teenage Behavior. Alejandro isn't helping things with his obnoxiousness in his teasing. I love Sofia's hair here... I know. Random! xD

    1. She tries, but there are just too many. And Sofia drives her completely crazy with her teenage stubborness!
      Good thing at least her husband is barely home and doesn't ask for extra attention. Isn't it? xD

  7. Sofia, you better believe Alejandro. He must know.

  8. Oh, Sofia, do not let your livelihood depend upon a man. You have some gumption, some sense, and some motivation. Use it for yourself.
    But alas, she probably won't.

    1. Honestly... she has none of those.
      she just wants to live a comfortable life where no one tells her what to do. AND a cute boyfriend.

  9. Ah wow. This family is cracked from the inside. Alejandro is beyond salvation at this point. Sofia is being a dumb teen and Rita is trying, not much is shown on what Sofia thinks of her family but I bet her reasons for wanting to get married early has something to do with her own home life. A dad who is barely present and a mom who is dependent on her man even though he doesn't treat her well. People tend put romance first when they can't find happiness/stability at home. At least that's what I believe.

    1. yes! you hit the nail on the head. Sofia wants to get out, but mostly because she wants to do whatever she likes. She feels like her mother keeps pushing her around, but with so many younger siblings there is little time left for her to feel cared about.
      And tbh Rita and Al don't have much of a relationship either but that's no surprise by now 😂

    2. Not surprising to know they have no relationship. I took the cue from Rita in labor and Al not being mentally present and checking out the nurses. EEEEww Slime guy.

    3. and everyone handling it like it is a normal thing 😆

  10. Father of the year, Al.

    It definitely makes sense why Sofia is the way she is. Her father is really inatentive, her mother's attention is divided between all these kids she's basically raising all her own, all the while trying to keep her husband at least semi-interested. The main reason Sofia probably puts so much emphasis on her relationship to Paolo and sees so much of her identity being attached to being his girlfriend (and future wife) is because she wants to be seen, at home, with all these kids, she's invisble - clearly neither of her parents know her very much.

    As much as I understand all that, she's still an idiot. Even if Paolo did propose to her, which I doubt, she'd be in for a rude awakening when she discovers being a wife is not a profession lol. Though I doubt Paolo will propose anyway, so...

    1. You're point on. Sophia's desperately craving the attention, and also freedom. But also she's too dumb to see that marriage is not the salvation she thinks it is, though the total failure of it is demonstrated right in front of her eyes.
      She may think that her relationship is different bc Paolo gives her attention.
