Marriage is bliss

16.4 Sofia Lopez
Summer 1997, Oasis Spring High School

It was the last day of school, and the high school kids were waiting for the bus to take them home. Sara was chatting excitedly to Sofia about what she wanted to do this summer, before she would start working in her father's company in autumn.
Sofia couldn't really pay attention. She was still sad.

"...Sofia? Are you okay?", her friend asked her. She had finally noticed that Sofia hadn't listened to her at all.

"No...", Sofia sighed. "I told you last time when I went to Paolo's?"

"I did not see him for the whole time since then!" Sofia was about to cry.
"Hey... it's gonna be okay", Sara tried to cheer her up.
But it wouldn't be. She hadn't dared to go over anymore, and he hadn't called her either.

"No, it's not!! I'll never get married in my life!", Sofia really cried now.
Her stupid, awful stepfather would have kept right, after all! She could't stand the thought of it, it was almost worse than never getting married!
"Uhm... But he only said you should go back to school, no? He actually never broke up with you!", Sara tried her best to make her feel better.

"But... I have the feeling that was it."
Sofia was so sure of it, no matter what Sara said could convince her otherwise.

"Oh no... I think he was just worried about you", Sara still tried. "I think he just didn't want to distract you from going to school. Maybe he just wanted you to finish it, and then propose to you!"

That might actually be a possibility. Being engaged in high school was weird, unless you were pregnant. Sofia was not.
"You think so?", she asked hesitantly.
Sara nodded, smiling brightly.

Sofia started to think her friend might be right.
"Yeah... that must be it! Sara, you're a genius!", she exclaimed, having found her good spirits again.
"I will call him when I'm back home!", Sofia decided.


  1. Damn the damage Alejandro did to Sofia's self esteem with that one remark. The time isn't right for Sofia to get married and Paolo knew that. As Sara said he wasn't breaking up with her but I think Paolo wanted to give her some space for herself and to finish school. Sofia has her whole life ahead of her and she needs to go out there and be her own person before getting married. Maybe if she went out and experienced life on her own a bit she might not be that eager to get married.

    1. Sofia is still a teenager, after all, and therefore still giving too much thoughts about what others tell her.
      And yes, she definitely should grow up first, and experience life a bit before rushing into marriage. But she sees it as her only chance to leave her family's home, and it actually is.

  2. Holy crap Sofia with... actually surprised she NOT pregnant, probably have Paolo responsibility to thank for that tho

    1. I was surprised too! :D With one of those high school boys for sure she might have ended up with a pregnancy.

  3. Well at least she isn’t brooding anymore. And maybe she will finish high school. Good for Paolo.

  4. Alejandro really did a number on Sofia's self esteem. What happened to her real dad? I'm not sure I ever asked. Paolo was right to give Sofia space. She needs to do some growing up.

    1. Alejandro alone couldn't kill her self-inflicted delusions! But his comments in combination with Paolo giving her the space to solve school, did!
      Sofia might have the feeling that your first boyfriend might not be the one to marry you, and she also knows that there are a lot of dicks going around. But she doesn't want to believe Paolo would be one!

      About her dad, I didn't mention it so far. (Unless in Al's bio, that he married the rich widow Rita Lopez).
      Yes, her father died.

  5. Sara we appreciate your will to comfort Sofia, really we do. But talking doubtful promises into her head again is NOT helping anyone here

    1. well at least she knows how to rise her mood again? :D

  6. oh lol high school musings. I wonder why they both didn't contact each other. 1 month is a long time for lovers. Unless they're really independent. She isn't, that's established. But hmm Paolo is still an enigma. Sara's a good friend.

  7. Oh lord, Sofia 😂 Sara is such a sweetheart. Not sure Sofia realises how good of a friend she has in her.

    1. Oh yeah, she's much too absorbed in her own problems to appreciate Sara.
