Baby trouble

17.4 Diana Foster
Autumn 1997, Newcrest hospital

Diana had realized she wanted a life next to her daughter and work. She wanted to go out, enjoy herself, and maybe even fall in love again. She had just turned 22, after all!
So she had made sure Lana had someone to take care of her tonight, gathered all her courage, and decided to make a move.
She saw him on the hallway, talking to the chief consultant.

She waited until they finished, and he came towards her.
"Uhm...", Diana hesitated for a second, but then braced up.
"Dr. Hayashi?"

"Oh, hello, Diana! How are you?", he greeted her friendly.
"Oh – fine!", she replied. "Well... I would like to ask..."

"If you're free tonight? Maybe we can have some dinner together?"
She managed to do it!
Dr. Hayashi looked surprised. And Diana believed, uncomfortable...
Her heart sank.
"Oh. I am sorry, Diana. But I already have plans for today", he replied slowly.
"But enjoy your dinner!", he added politely.

"Oh. Thank you", she said, while he left already.
This didn't turn out as she hoped.


  1. Awkward! I didn't like him anyway. Has them squinty eyes. Want me to send one of my super hot male sims your way? They are not so... cold.

    1. yeah, poor Diana... single mothers are not really main dating targets, especially not for aspiring doctors.
      About the eyes... he's Asian xD
      I'd always take your hot guys ;o maybe Diana will be happy too one day. I admit I haven't planned for certain on how her story will come out, after all.

    2. Feel free to pick one from my gallery anytime. ;) My ID is Maladi.

  2. Poor Diana. That did not go well at all. I'm wondering if he did that because he found out she had a daughter. The last time he had a strange reaction when she mentioned Lana. That just means he was not the right one for her. The right guy will accept both her and her daughter without any question. She needs a girls night out after this.

    1. It might be his reason. And I hope she will find Mr. Right one day, that loves them both.
      But you don't have to worry. Diana is not too devastated after this encounter. She was not in love, just trying to get back to enjoy her life again. She knows there are more fish in the sea c:

    2. I think she needs the girls night out because she deserves some fun not because of the doctor. She works hard and has earned it.

    3. Oh yes. But she has so little energy left when she's done with her duties.

  3. Omg, did he just give her the slip because she's a mom?? NOT COOL DR. HAYASHI, NOT COOL

    1. Guys that care more about reputation than you = not cool!

  4. Booo. I guess the built in family didn’t sit well. Poor girl.

  5. aww... I hope he didn't lose interest because she is a single mom.

    1. Awwwww no. Cuz that's what I was wondering when he found out she had a kid. Pfft. If that's so, he's on my bad list now.

  6. *writes him down at the black list*

  7. Aw he must've been put off that she's a single mother. Sigh. I had such high hopes for him too.

    1. Since he's a doctor, and she's "just" a nurse, there wasn't much private talk so far.

    2. 😑 I want to criticise the doctor. But I know one irl and he's like that too. ARRRGH

    3. I'm always surprised when real people have the ugly traits I give my story sims, even tho I modelled them loosely after real life 😅

  8. Aww, is it the single mum thing? To be fair, if it's something he's not ready to take on, it's probably for the best that he doesn't mess with her heart first. So maybe this is a good thing.

    1. Yeah I think he is worried about his reputation if he dates a single mom.
